
Consultation opens on the National Counter Disinformation Strategy

A public consultation has opened for the National Counter Disinformation Strategy. EDMO Ireland is an invited member of the working group that is developing the strategy.

Following five months of meetings and presentations, including presentations by EDMO’s Eileen Culloty and Kirsty Park, the working group came up with a scoping paper. It identifies a range of key issues and sets out five draft principles for the strategy:

  1. Counter disinformation and protect freedom of speech using a rights based approach.
  2. Counter disinformation by building resilience and trust – at individual and societal levels.
  3. Counter disinformation through increased cooperation, collaboration and coordination.
  4. Counter disinformation through corporate accountability and regulatory enforcement.
  5. Counter disinformation through evidence based countermeasures and interventions.

The public consultation invites people to offer their general views on these principles as well as recommendations for what to consider in relation to each principle any any thoughts on activities or interventions to counter disinformation. Responses can be submitted via the online survey here. The period for consultation opens on 25 September and ends on 20 October.

The development of a National Counter Disinformation Strategy was recommendation by the Future of Media Commission. The Commission also recommended that EDMO Ireland be part of the strategy development. Eileen Culloty sat on the working-group representing EDMO Ireland. She delivered the first presentation to the group setting out key issues and challenges. Kirsty Park also delivered a presentation on the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation. Information about the working group – including minutes of the meetings and slides from the invited presentations – is available here.