In February, TheJournal published the following factcheck investigations:
- FactCheck: Sign up to The Journal’s monthly newsletter about misinformation trends
- FactCheck: Has Sinn Féin objected to the construction of 6,000 houses?
- FactCheck: A claim that Covid -19 vaccines don’t stop transmission of the virus is misleading
- FactCheck: Is the Protocol costing Northern Ireland’s economy £2.5 million every day?
- FactCheck: Was a Fine Gael junior minister right to say one in four SHDs are subject to judicial review?
- Debunked: No, this photo of a ship in the Antarctic does not prove that the Earth is flat
TheJournal also published the following news items relating to disinformation:
For a summary of the the latest factchecks from EDMO factchecking partners across Europe, visit EDMO’s Fact-checking Briefs: