This week marks European Media Literacy Week 2022 and EDMO Ireland is involved in a number of initiatives throughout the week to help promote media literacy.
On Monday 24th, Webwise launched a new audio series ‘Casting the Net’ which features an interview with Susan Daly, Managing Editor of Journal Media whose FactCheck unit is one of the EDMO Ireland partners.
On Tuesday, Ricardo Castellini da Silva, EDMO Ireland’s media literacy coordinator, will be delivering an online workshop on best practices in media literacy education to teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
On Wednesday, Susan Daly will be participating in a Twitter Spaces at 10.30am titled, ‘Building the global square of trust with media and information literacy’. This session is part of the UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Week Conference.
The Journal also published an Instagram Story providing questions to ask when evaluating media content.
On Thursday 27th Ireland EDMO in collaboration with Media Literacy Ireland and EDMO will present the webinar ‘Nurturing Trust by evaluating impact: Why understanding what works in MIL interventions is essential’.
And finally, on Friday, we will be launching a new resources section on the EDMO Ireland website with links to relevant resources for those interested in teaching or learning more about media literacy and disinformation research.
Disinformation Lead, Kirsty Park, also appeared on Newstalk Breakfast to talk about the implications of Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover.

The European Media Literacy Week is an initiative by the European Commission to underline the societal importance of media literacy and highlight existing media literacy initiatives and projects across the EU. The event serves as a response to the critical need to promote media literacy in all countries of the European Union. The European Media Literacy Week 2022 is held from 24 to 28 October 2022 in alignment with the UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2022, which also starts on 24 October 2022.